Fenner Conservation Pond
In 2023, the Fenner Conservation Club gifted a 5.59-acre property—including a portion of a pond—to the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation. The Club had decided to disband, and wished to convey the property to an organization that would continue to share it with the community.
Fenner Conservation Pond has been a place for public enjoyment of nature for over sixty years. Since acquiring the property, CPF has revamped the parking area, added a picnic table, and installed an information kiosk. The pond is open to the public from dawn until dusk for birding, fishing, picnicking, canoeing, kayaking, and quiet recreation. Fenner Conservation Pond is located at the corner of Cody Road and South Road in the Town Fenner.
Upland Journal article on Fenner Conservation Pond
Pond Use Rules and Guidelines
Please respect private property and stay on CPF-owned shoreline (see kiosk map for details).
If boating, do not go ashore on privately owned property.
No swimming.
No fires.
Leave no trace— take your trash with you.
Fishing is allowed with appropriate license.
Dogs must be leashed.
Clean up after your pets.
No fire arms.
No motorized boats.
Gorge Trail
Equally loved by skiers and hikers, the Gorge Trail follows the former bed of the Cazenovia and Canastota Railroad.
South Trail
Along the route of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, the South Trail is open to the public from Ballina Road south to New Woodstock.
Fairchild Hill & Burlingame Area Trails
CPF manages approximately eight miles of all-season public trails on the 358 acres of protected lands in the Fairchild Hill-Burlingame area.
Carpenter’s Pond and the Willow Patch
These two jewels are located right in the Village of Cazenovia.
Historic Driving Tour
A drive through the Cazenovia area of central New York is a journey through history.
Interactive Trail Maps
Interactive trail maps available at GoCaz.com.