Enjoy 14 Miles of Public Trails
Our trails will lead you through some of the most beautiful forest and open spaces in Central New York! Find out more about the trails we maintain, and other outdoor recreational activities below.
Muddy Trails PSA
Melting snow + warmer weather = Mud Season! Wet trails are fragile, and biking & hiking in these conditions can cause lasting damage. Please consider recent weather and trail conditions before heading out.
If you’re leaving tracks, TURN BACK!
Burlingame Area Trails: Grande Allee, Rod’s Pond, Atwell's Knoll, and the Gateway Trail to Sherman's Gulch junction (check kiosk map for locations).
Sherman’s Gulch
Fairchild Hill
Gateway Trail between Fairchild Hill to Two Hilltoppers/Gulch Off
Help us protect CPF trails so everyone can enjoy them all season long. Thank you!
Come Volunteer with CPF!
We invite you to join in our Trail Work Volunteer Days, which run April through October. Check out our events calendar for more details.
Winter Trails
The Cazenovia Preservation Foundation partners with the Friends of Stoney Pond (FROSTY), Lorenzo State Historic Site, Cazenovia Area Community Development Association (CACDA), North Country Trail Association, Meier’s Creek Brewing Company, Stone Quarry Art Park, Madison County Distillery, and the Shoppes at Johnny Appleseed to groom winter trails for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Check our Winter Trails webpage once the snow flies to find the most recent trail grooming reports.
Gorge Trail
Equally loved by skiers and hikers, the Gorge Trail follows the former bed of the Cazenovia and Canastota Railroad.
South Trail
Along the route of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, the South Trail is open to the public from Ballina Road south to New Woodstock.
Fairchild Hill & Burlingame Area Trails
CPF manages approximately eight miles of all-season public trails on the 358 acres of protected lands in the Fairchild Hill-Burlingame area.
Carpenter’s Pond and the Willow Patch
These two jewels are located right in the Village of Cazenovia.
Historic Driving Tour
A drive through the Cazenovia area of central New York is a journey through history.
Interactive Trail Maps
Interactive trail maps available at GoCaz.com.