Conserving Agricultural Lands and Cultural Landscape History
CPF is thrilled to announce the completion of a project that places 134-acres of agricultural land and a mid-1800’s historical farmstead complex under the protection of a conservation easement.
Message from the Executive Director
I hypothesize that most of us who work in environmental fields or who support conservation can point to a special place, or places, that ignited our curiosity in the natural world, solidified our environmental ethic, and made us fall in love with the land.
Land Trust 101: Renewable Energy
Many people know CPF for the 13.5-miles of public hiking trails that we maintain. Fewer know that CPF has a long history of participating in community comprehensive and land use planning.
Gorge Trail Gateway Project Update
This summer, CPF plans to break ground on a project which will highlight trail and recreational resources in the heart of the Village of Cazenovia.
New CPF Award Presented
CPF has established a new award, the Judy Gianforte Land Stewardship Award, which will be conferred annually to an individual who has made exemplary contributions to conservation land stewardship.
New Board Member
Lisa Lounsbury is CPF’s newest board member. She looks forward to helping preserve and expand the special spaces in Cazenovia for the community to enjoy.
LTA Accreditation Renewal
CPF is excited to share that the Land Trust Alliance (LTA) has renewed our accreditation. The Land Trust Accreditation Commission announced CPF’s accreditation renewal in March 2024.
National Trails Day
CPF is excited to celebrate the dedication of four new trail kiosks. Join us as we recognize the contributions of Rockbridge Investment Management, LLC, Andrew and Lauren Bennett, Knowles Precision Devices, and Chuck and Gyata Stormon to bettering the community’s trail network.
Trail Work Days
On the last Thursday of the month, from April through October, you can join CPF board members, staff, and other volunteers to improve your community trails. This year, we will also be hosting Saturday Volunteer Workdays.
Walks ‘n Talks
Come join in our birding, fishing, and kids’ discovery events. We have something for everyone. All ages and ability levels are welcome.
2023 Preservation Award Winners
Each year, CPF presents several preservation awards to honor building restoration, landscape projects, and individuals that have made a significant contribution to preserving the unique character of the Cazenovia area.